Classification and Compensation Lightbulb

A classification system objectively and accurately groups jobs into categories and occasionally job families based on the type of work performed.

Job categories are often grouped into job families that capture the essence of the work, responsibilities, qualifications, and authority level rather than the specific duties of each position.

Job family descriptors reflect the nature and complexity of work at several levels within each job family.

The approach used at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech is structured and typically includes salary grade and minimum qualifications for each classification.

Position descriptions are the basis for proper classification allocation and compensation rates. Position descriptions must be complete, accurate, and up-to-date to ensure correct classification and compensation.

Administrative Staff

Administrative positions include positions that do not meet the criteria for academic faculty but are exempt from the provisions of the Public Employee Collective Bargaining act (PECBA) ORS 243.650-243.788. that may meet the criteria.

Administrative positions are appointed on annual fixed-term contracts.

Classifications for administrative positions are currently under development.

A compensation structure for administrative positions is currently under development.

During development of this structure, various reputable sources of information are referenced, as well as a review of current employee salaries, in order to ensure pay for new and updated positions is fair and equitable.


Classified positions include all non-academic employees who are in a bargaining unit represented by a union. Classified employees at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech are represented by the SEIU Local 503, OPEU.

They generally include such positions as clerical, crafts, administrative, professional, technical, service and trades professions.

There are approximately 270 classifications that govern classified work. The classifications are used by all seven (7) public universities in Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ (OPU).

The OPU classified classifications are located at .

Compensation of classified positions is dependent upon the classification of the position. Information about the OPU classified classification compensation structure is located at .

Compensation for classified Information Technology (IT) positions is based on the compensation plan in Article 66: Information Technology Compensation Plan of the . Information about competency levels is located at this link.

Reclassification review is prompted by changes to a classified position's duties, responsibilities, and authority.

The decision to reclassify a position is based on findings that the purpose of the job is consistent with the concept of the proposed classification and that the classification specification for the proposed classification more accurately depicts the overall assigned duties, authority, and responsibilities of the position.

Employee-Requested Process

  1. Complete entire packet and obtain signatures.
  2. Submit completed and signed Classified Employee Reclassification Review Request packet to the Office of Human Resources.
  3. Office of Human Resources meets with incumbent and supervisor of position to discuss.
  4. Office of Human Resources determines if position is appropriately classified or if reclassification is needed.

Management (Supervisor)-Requested Process

  1. Complete and obtain signatures.
  2. Update position description in HEROES.
  3. Attach completed and signed pages of Classified Employee Reclassification Review Request to HEROES modify position request.
  4. Submit position request to the Office of Human Resources.
  5. Office of Human Resources meets with incumbent and supervisor of position to discuss.
  6. Office of Human Resources determines if position is appropriately classified or if reclassification is needed.

"Working Out of Class" is when an employee is assigned for a limited period to perform the duties of a position at a higher level classification for more than ten (10) consecutive calendar days.

Manager completes and submits to the Office of Human Resources.


Faculty position teach, conduct research, or provide public service. Faculty positions are accompanied by academic rank.

Faculty appointments are either professional-track (fixed-term) or tenure-related, as determined by the Provost.

Faculty classifications, more commonly known as ranks, at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech are:

  • Assistant Professor
  • Associate Professor
  • Professor
  • Instructor
  • Professor of Practice

Student Employees

The Student Employment Guidelines provides information regarding the hiring and employment processes for student workers at Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech and its locations.

View Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech's .

Student employee classifications ensure employees performing similar work are compensated fairly and equitably.

View Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech's structure.

Additional Resources

Main Line: 541.885.1120
Fax: 541.851.5200
Location: Snell Hall, First Floor