Tuition Recommendation Committee (TRC)

Reporting Line
The Tuition Recommendation Committee reports to the President.

Membership Composition
The committee membership is composed of six students representing both campuses and appointed by the ASOIT president(s), two of which represent ASOIT and two of which represent historically underserved students of the University, as defined by the University; two faculty, one of which is the Fiscal Operations Advisory Council (FOAC) chair; and at least two administrators. Any changes to the TRC structure required by ORS 352.102, subsequent controlling statutes or Board Policy may be made without notification. The President shall designate one member to chair the TRC.

Committee Responsibilities
1. The Tuition Recommendation Committee (TRC) is responsible for recommending the tuition and mandatory fee rates to the President, who must in turn report and recommend mandatory tuition and fee rates to the Board of Trustees in accordance with ORS 352. 102.The Board of Trustees shall request that the President transmit to the Board the joint tuition recommendation of the President and the recognized student government.

2. Before making any recommendation to increase tuition and mandatory fees, but especially when the proposed increase is more than five percent annually, the TRC must document its consideration of the impact on students and the necessity of the increase in achieving the mission of the University. The TRC shall provide meaningful opportunities for members of the student government and students at large to participate in the process and deliberations.

3. The TRC will meet at least twice during January-February. Its meetings shall be open to the public and broad notification of the meetings shall be made to the University community. The TRC will consider the guidelines provided by the Board, information provided by the Administration, and such other matters as deemed appropriate.

Guiding Principles
• Consider long-term factors when recommending the single year decisions (important to have a forward looking vision)
• Recognize the importance of affordability for students
• Tuition levels should be developed using data and information, including internal budget, comparator institutions, and external cost indices.
• Ensure we maintain the current service level, quality and support that Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech provides to students. 

Process Framework
• Communicate openly and transparently with all stakeholders at an appropriate level of detail
• The committee will utilize data and information throughout the process
• Communicate respectfully and ask questions

Chair, Vice President2024-25John HarmanFinance and Administration
Vice President of Student Affairs2024-25Mandi ClarkStudent Affairs
Associate Vice President-Controller2024-25Alicia DillonFinance and Administration
Interim Provost2024-25Hesham El-RewiniAcademic Affairs
Associate Vice Provost of SEM2024-25Greg StringerStrategic Enrollment Mgt./Ret.
Financial Aid & Registration Coordinator2024-25Kendal MarksRegistrar / Financial Aid
Associate Director Budget and Planning2024-25Anna ClarkBudget Office
FOAC Chair2024-27Don DaSaroBusiness Management
General Education Program Director2024-27Ryan MaddenHumanities / Social Sciences
ASOIT President, Klamath Falls2024-25Uriel Aguilar TorresStudent Government
ASOIT Rep., Portland Metro2024-25Bryce WilsonStudent Government
 Klamath Falls Student2024-25Julia KetchamStudent
 Klamath Falls Student2024-25Ronny RynoStudent
Klamath Falls Student2024-25Keora O’Meara Student
Portland Metro Student2024-25Jessica ArmentaStudent
Administrative Support2024-25Helen DrewelFinance and Administration

Committee Meetings


Sunset Conference Room (CU)


Meeting Minutes



Sunset Conference Room





Sunset Conference Room (CU) 



Sunset Conference Room (CU)


Campus Open Forums

TRC Survey

Ask questions and share your opinion with the TRC by clicking