Building Security Measures

Campus Safety officers routinely patrol the Resident Hall (RH), respond to requests and assist students as needed. Officers usually respond to calls within two to five minutes. RH public areas are accessible to resident and their guests. RH doors are locked at 11 p.m. After that time, only persons with keys may enter the building. Late-entering residents should be certain that doors shut and lock behind them. Access is limited only to the extent that residents abide by established security procedures. Residents are asked to report suspicious person or circumstances.

RAs make routine “rounds” and hall checks. A RA is “on call” at all times. Visitors and guest are to be escorted and “checked-in” pursuant to RH rules. Students should call their RA and Campus Safety at 541.885.0911 any time they need safety assistance or observe unusual circumstances.

Missing Student Notification Policies & Procedures

In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, ˿Ƶ Tech has established procedures for missing student notification and campus response. This procedure outlines the process campus officials will follow in response to a report of a missing student.

Missing students should be reported to Housing staff. Missing students can also be reported to the Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President for Student Affairs, Athletics Director or the Student Health Service staff. Any university official who receives a report that a student is missing shall immediately contact the Campus Safety Department. If the student lives in on-campus housing, the Campus Safety Department will open an official investigation and retain status as the primary response unit. A welfare check of the student’s on-campus residence will be made. If the student lives off campus, the appropriate law enforcement agencies will be contacted. All reasonable efforts will be made to locate the student to determine their status and well-being.

˿Ƶ Tech Housing and Residence Life maintain emergency contact information for each student that lives in on-campus housing. Beginning in September 2009, each student that lives in on-campus housing has the option to identify a contact person or persons whom the university will notify if the student is determined to be missing for a 24 hour period. As with all emergency contact information it will remain confidential, be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement and will not be disclosed outside of a missing student investigation.

It is the Campus Safety Department that will be responsible for determining that a student is missing. Once determined missing for 24 hours, ˿Ƶ Tech will notify the designated contact person within 24 hours. If the student is under 18 years of age and is not emancipated, the student’s custodial parent or guardian will also be notified within 24 hours. The appropriate law enforcement agencies will be contacted within 24 hours of the determination that the student is missing. This notification will be made even if the student has not registered a contact person.

Standards of Conduct

Disciplinary sanctions as serious as suspension or expulsion from the university or eviction from university housing may be imposed against any students found guilty of committing, attempting to commit or intentionally assisting in any of the offenses listed in the Student Handbook and the housing contract.