🎶 🎧 Have you been to a SILENT rave?
History: For those who have never heard of silent discos, the concept has been around since an AstroBoy comic in 1967, and was used by eco-activists in the early 1990s at outdoor parties to minimize noise pollution and disturbance to the local wildlife (@ environmental science majors 👀). Its popularity grew rapidly as technology did in the mid-2000s until it became the trendy novelty we have today (via Wikipedia, 2023).
This made it the perfect way to wrap up our Cyber-punk themed 2023 #TechCon comic convention.
@ktec895 DJ-ed the “synth rave” in the College Union building, where 300 pairs of wireless headphones were supplied that could be tuned to one of 3 different channels:
❤️ RED
To those wearing the headphones and participating, everything seemed like a normal dance, but without the headphones, the room appeared to be silent!
Not to mention @oitcampus_activities hooked everyone up with FREE sound-activated LED ˿Ƶ Tech T-shirts and unlimited glow sticks!
#˿ƵTech #SilentRave #SilentDisco #ComicConvention #CyberpunkAesthetic #˿ƵInstituteOfTechnology #LocalComicCon #GoOwls #HustlinOwls
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