Interlibrary Loans

Can't find the book or the article you need? Request it from another library! Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech students, staff, and faculty have access to materials from other libraries throughout the world through our Interlibrary loan (ILL) service. Photocopies or loans of books and other items can usually be retrieved at no charge within 10-14 days.

Our catalog will automatically search all our holdings to find the article or book you want at OIT library or at a regional library. If the desired resource isn't found, choosing "Expand My Results" will search other libraries further away. In such cases, you will see a link to "Request an ILL article or chapter". You must be logged into the catalog to see this link.
The Find It button searches for your article or book in all our full-text databases. If it can’t be found, then it will offer you a link to our Interlibrary Loan form – and even fill out part of the form for you. Please tell us if you have problems with any of the databases.
WorldCat is a massive, combined catalog of library holdings from all over the world. If you're not finding what you need using the previous steps, try searching in . When you find the desired book or article, simply click on the item title, then click the "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button.

If you know which article you want (and you have all the citation information: article title, author(s), journal name, volume, issue, and pages), then you can simply fill out an 

Click on the "New Request" tab. Choose whether you want to request a book or an article and fill in all the required boxes. Return to that page to check the status of your requests.

If there is no "Find It" button, or you’re having difficulties when you click on the button, you can always email a citation to us at:

When viewing an individual title in a database, click on the Email icon to send the citation to On the subject line, enter your name, your Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech email address, your status (faculty, staff, undergrad, etc.), and your campus (Klamath Falls, Wilsonville, Online Education, etc.). *Adding where you found the citation can sometimes help us get the material faster.*

As a last resort, you can email us directly with the citation. Remember to include all the necessary details or your request will be delayed. Requested items are likely be received faster if all of the following information is given:

For journal articles: name of the journal/source, author(s), article title, vol. #, publication date, and pages (a citation). Always include your name and your local phone number, in case we have questions about your request.

For book requests: book title, author(s), and publication date. Include your name and local phone number.


See the ILL policy for more detailed information.
For questions or concerns about circulation issues, contact the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech Library, or call 541.885.1772.

Summit Borrowing

Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Tech Library is a part of the Orbis-Cascade Alliance, a consortium of 38 university and college libraries in Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ, Washington, and Idaho. You may request items from Alliance libraries through the "Summit" program. Items will be delivered to OIT's Klamath Falls Campus or Wilsonville Campus libraries in roughly 5-7 business days. Or if you are near a university or college in , you may go to that school and check out items as a "Visiting Summit Borrower."

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